The AL RAWABI Dairy Company, located in Dubai (UAE), is planning the construction of a biogas plant by the mele Biogas GmbH as the general contractor of the project.
The biogas plant is treating different residues arising on the farm with a cattle stock of 13.600 milking cows combined with an own diary and juice production.
The biogas plant is designed to treat different environmental issues from livestock farming like smell reduction and the disposal of livestock farm residues which are resulting in negative greenhouse gas emission.
Subsequently, the residues are turned into biogas by anaerobic fermentation further to be used as fuel for firing two cogeneration units to produce 1,3 MW of electric energy and 1,4 MW of thermal energy per hour. The degraded product and leftover of the biogas process will be further used as organic fertilizer in agriculture. The energy produced will be used for own heat and power consumption giving Al Rawabi a carbon neutral footprint and is further crowding out energy from fossil fuels.

This project is part of the worldwide dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme coordinated by the Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency – and supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the German Energy Solutions Initiative.